Monday, October 5, 2009

Gum Paste, You are a Sticky Lady



More chocolate.

More orange.

Icing was more like modeling chocolate. It was not spreadable, and I had to MOLD IT ON BY HAND. I have no idea what I did to eff it up! I made a full batch, when I typically make a half batch. Perhaps that was it. But, in the spirit of Tim Gunn, I "made it work."

These are my first gum paste babies. I made a simple flower and center, and simple leaves for my maiden voyage. Gum paste dries fast, folks, so work fast, or place the extra under a glass to keep it moist! Cake decorators make it look so easy.

Happy Birthday, Sonya!!!


  1. Wow this is not bad for a first timer! Love the flowers !! I think you've done a fabulous job!

  2. Your cake looks delicious and you're a delightful writer!
